

When we say attention, we mean bringing exposure to your organization.

While this may seem simple in theory, we've found that "Attention" that is not based on purpose is broken. Most businesses aren't looking for attention, they're looking for how attention will impact the other areas of their business. We've found that:

  • Attention drives customer acquisition.
  • Customer acquisition drives revenue.
  • Revenue drives cash flow.
  • Cash flow drives freedom.

So with that being said, we don't sell "clicks" or "conversions", instead we seek to understand your real business issues, needs and goals, and execute against them by creating a marketing roadmap. We don't know how to do business any other way, and we're not for everybody.


About Attention

To create new opportunities to connect and grow | Building the machine through attracting people to use it.

A machine that isn't being tested and used is not going to grow and improve.


One of the most simple ways we've found to gain attention is through SEO. This is different than search engine marketing because SEO is a long standing, compounding, customer acquisition machine. The nature of SEO is to have an exponentially expansive presence on search engines like Google. This method can be used to cast a wide net or have a narrow focus.

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Social Media Marketing

Social media serves a different purpose than Google search. When people are on social media, they tend to be looking more towards what is entertaining or quickly consumable now. The social media consumption mindset drives organizations to have more "flash in the pan" type of results. However a strong and consistent social presence can overcome the fleeting nature of social media. We've found that consistency, like most things in life, is key. A strong social media process is an essential part of many marketing campaigns today.

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For organizations with an established brand that want to represent themselves to their target market and customer base in a new way, a rebrand may make sense. This is the process of coming back to the core of the brand to connect with others in a better way. A rebrand may consist of changing the visual elements of the brand such as the logo, website and sales collateral, as well as the brand story, operational processes, brand language, and more.

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